Maison des Landes Hotel

Service Details

Maison des Landes Hotel
Service description: 

Maison des Landes is a hotel for disabled people and their families. The hotel is totally accessible and is operated as a charitable trust, on a not-for-profit basis, by the Lions Club of Jersey.



Visitor Types

People with motor impairments
People who use a wheelchair
People of very large or small stature
People who are deaf or have hearing impairments
People without speech or with speech impairments
People who are blind or have vision impairments
People with dementia ("dementia-friendly"), learning difficulties, autism or other cognitive / developmental impairments
People with allergy or asthma or requiring special diets
People with long-term health problems (e.g. respiratory and circulatory conditions or invisible disabilities)
People who are frail, lacking in strength or stamina
People who use any kind of technical assistive devices
People with service animals

Services Information


Accessibility Information

Service Booking Link