
Image of 5 cavers in a cave

Service Details

La Ciotat,
Service description: 

Situé à La Ciotat, Expenature vous propose différentes activités sur place ou ailleurs dans la région, Du kayak ou du paddle en location ou encadré pour longer les plages ou visiter les calanques du parc national , randonnée palmée ( palmes, masques et tubas) , des randonnée pédestre ou à VTT , des courses d’orientation et des parcours d'aventure, spéléologie, escalade et canyon... Vous trouverez un nombre important d'activités adaptables à vos demandes. Diverses façons de découvrir cette magnifique région. Labellisé pour les 4 handicaps , chaque activité sera adaptée selon l'autonomie des participants.

Located in La Ciotat, Expenature proposes different activities on the spot or elsewhere in the region, from kayak or paddle rental or walks along the beaches to visiting the creeks of the national park, "palm hikes" (with fins, masks and snorkels), hiking or mountain biking, orienteering races and adventure trails, caving, climbing and canyoning ... You will find a large number of activities adaptable to your requests. Various ways to discover this beautiful region. Expanature is labelled for the 4 main classes of disabilities by "Tourisme et Handicaps", the French national accessibility labelling scheme. Each activity will be adapted according to the level of autonomy of the participants.

168, Av Wilson, La Ciotat, 13600, France


Visitor Types

People with motor impairments
People who use a wheelchair
People of very large or small stature
People who are deaf or have hearing impairments
People without speech or with speech impairments
People who are blind or have vision impairments
People with dementia ("dementia-friendly"), learning difficulties, autism or other cognitive / developmental impairments
People with allergy or asthma or requiring special diets
People with long-term health problems (e.g. respiratory and circulatory conditions or invisible disabilities)
People who are frail, lacking in strength or stamina

Services Information

Sports Activities and Facilities: 
Walking, hiking, mountaineering
Cycling, mountain-biking
Sailing, rowing, kayaking, windsurf, kitesurf, waterski, jetski and other watersports
Other sports activities

Accessibility Information