Access Project (PHSP)

Service Details
PHSP publishes Access guidebooks to London, Paris, Israel and the Palestinian Authority based on visits and assessments made by disabled visitors. They contain integrated information about accommodation, getting around, and access to the main sites and places of interest, and have a Good Loo Guide for the central areas.
Access Project (PHSP) has been involved in the production of accurate and well researched Access Guides for over thirty years. The research is carried out by Pauline Hephaistos Survey Projects (PHSP) and if you want to know more about our background, and our rather curious name, then please see the PHSP page (PDF download).
Our current guides are:
- Access in London (2014)
- Access in Paris (June 2008)
- Access in Israel and the Palestinian Authority (2000)
They all cover the key subjects of interest to both residents and visitors. These include the practicalities of getting around, and access into the main places of interest and of entertainment. For the visitor, they include details of access problems encountered in travelling to your destination, and of accessible accommodation.
There is an extensive list of useful contact organisations and of both general and specialised information.