
Service Details

Service description: 

A community based application that offers every possible kind of accessible travel for the physically disabled available in the world. Users book their trips on the site which targets both the physically disabled, including visually impaired and seniors. Service includes reviews of local guides with disabilities themselves, who are experts in accessible travel in their area, and share experiences, plus travel companions who are not disabled. Site collects reliable user-generated data with special smart algorithms that check accessibility

Zevulun 3, Jerusalem, 77722, Israel


Visitor Types

Small Children
People with motor impairments
People who use a wheelchair
People who are deaf or have hearing impairments
People who are blind or have vision impairments
People with long-term health problems (e.g. respiratory and circulatory conditions or invisible disabilities)
People with service animals
People requiring personal assistance (non-medical care/support)

Services Information

Information & Booking: 
Accessibility Information Scheme
Ticketing and booking agency
Travel agency
Tourist Information Centre
Social Tourism (specialist providers or organisations)
Accessible Tourism Network
Online information (e.g. review sites and information aggregators)
Tourist Guiding: 
Registered tourist guiding service (e.g. for cultural venues)
Tour and travel guide service (e.g. on coach tour)
Volunteer guide, "greeter" services

Accessibility Information

Service Booking Link