FREEDOM TO MOVE di Fondazione Serena Onlus

Service Details
Fondazione Serena is a Onlus born with the objective to build a centre taking responsibility of people affected from neuromuscular pathology as SLA, SMA and muscular dystrophy. At the end of 2007 Fondazione Serena realizes its own dream and inaugurates Centro Clinico Nemo, into Niguarda Hospital in Milan. The idea: why FREEDOM TO MOVE? What if you can book your holidays in accessible places without bad surprises when you arrive? That’s a simple need…apparently. But often reality is more complex. Freedom to move – The accessibility we want is a nice and suitable project. Why nice? Holidays are a moment of pleasure and relax; for this reason is fundamental to found structures able to satisfy our needs without presenting, for guests with disability, hurdles during the stay. According to this presupposition is born the idea of Fondazione Serena Onlus “Freedom to move”: a campaign of awareness and culture about accessible tourism, ready to offer a service to disabled asking a frequent question, but often that hasn’t been outstanding. Prospective of “Freedom to move” is expanding itself, creating a virtuous net to develop the culture of accessibility widen its field not only to hotels, but also to facilities in general, like restaurants, cinemas, museums. Our ambition? Give life to pleasure and nice itineraries. Free time and freedom to move. Our first thanks go to our partners making possible the first part of the project: – reservation portal present in x country: UILDM section in Turin, Verona, Roma and Pavia organized by Fabio Pirastu of UILDM Pavia: Competence of in tourism and of UILDM section in order to verify the accessibility of structure make obvious how it’s important to work in network. Why suitable? Freedom to move is in connection with the project of Centro Clinico Nemo. will destine to Nemo 6% of commission for every booking realized on the selected hotel for this campaign. On you can discover all the hotels and destinations selected during this first step of “Freedom to move. The accessibility we want”. How have we choose structures? Hotels inserted for the campaign, affiliate to, have been selected with attention and on the basis of different controls, in order to verify accessibility of structure from the point of view of motor disability. In the description of every hotel you can find detailed characteristics about the most common critical situation. Standard of selection used: Accessibility to the structure, Accessibility to collective areas, Presence of elevator; absence of stairs to reach the elevator, Largeness, profundity and width of the elevator’s doors, Width of rooms’ doors, In case of ramp, its inclination, Presence of certificated rooms, Characteristics of the bathroom (presence of chair for disabled, handles, shower on the ground).