TourismForAll - Portugal

Service Details
TourismForAll is a Tour Operator (DMC), specialized in Accessible, Health, Wellness and Medical Tourism.
We are pioneers in providing specialized direct care, being the First Travel Agency in the world providing these services to people with any kind of disability, illness or dependency.
We believe that mobility limitations, dependence on others, need for assistance and changes in your clinical condition should not be barriers in leisure and pleasurable traveling. Hence, we assure you a range of specialized services with highly qualified and experienced professionals and guaranteed accessibility conditions. Thanks to our experience we are aware of your main needs and conscious of the weight these factors have when selecting travel destinations.
Our wide range of offers is supported by a group of entities, accredited and specialized in their own exceptional areas that allow us to provide you with safe unique experiences while exploring all that Portugal has to offer.
Your dreams, our determination… Your success, our satisfaction!