Pantou suppliers and other tourism providers in rural and natural tourist destinations are invited to take part in this free Training Webinar organised by ENAT.
The webinar will present results of the ACCESS IT project, financed by the European Union ERASMUS+ programme, with partners from Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Spain.
UPDATE, August 2022
This Webinar, given by four of ENAT's tourism professionals and researchers, presents an introduction to the training tools of ACCESS IT, with examples, including "How to" Guides and an Interactive Self-assessment Tool for businesses to measure their progress.
Watch the Webinar on our YouTube channel. 2 hours 42 minutes.
After watching the ACCESS IT Training Webinar, please give us your feedback, using this short evaluation form:
What you will learn
This webinar will share some of the results of the Access IT project, with new insights, training tools and suggestions for delivering services for visitors with access requirements in Natural and Rural Areas.
The emphasis is on “How to…” make your services accessible.
We will introduce and discuss:
• How to assess accessibility of a tourism product/service
• How to address the requirements of the target customer segments
• How to develop a truly accessible tourism offer and meet demand
• How to bring to market and promote an accessible product
• How to involve stakeholders in the development of accessible products.
To read the full announcement and programme, visit the ENAT Events page
Krisztina Tamási replied on Permalink
Training Webinar for Tourism Providers: How to Develop Accessibl
Great Idea, thank you very much. I hope there will be an other time/possibility for this training webinar as well, as now tourism is booming so well, that we are tide up with guests. I would also apreciate if I could know about it more in advance than 4 days before, in so short time it is difficult to change bookings. Thank you.
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